Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Sungguh bertuah dapat mengadakan program mesra bersama masyarakat di Kg Parit Jerman. Ramai orang luar Kg Gajah mungkin tidak mengetahui bahawa terdapat sebuah tempat yang bernama sedemikian. Masyarakat di sini sungguh ramah dengan semangat kemasyarakatan yang sangat tinggi sepertimana dapat disaksikan dalam program di atas.

Semoga penduduk di sini kekal dengan semangat yang mesra dan gotong royong yang tinggi. Pemimpin-pemimpin tempatan seperti Encik Jaini Lan yang gigih menjayakan program tersebut dan juga agenda pembangunan insan yang lain haruslah dipuji.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009; a new year, a new beginning

2009 has arrived. I've decided to put up this blog to showcase the going-on's of this rural corner of Perak, the Kampong Gajah Perak State Constituency in the Pasir Salak Parliamentary Area.

For those new to this area, it's located about 30km north of Teluk Intan in Southern Perak. It's a predominantly rural & agrarian community, with Malays making up a majority of the residents here. It's always been considered as the rural heartland of Perak, comprising of simple but proud village folk, farmers, rubber & palm-oil smallholders, felcra settlers and the like. Folks here also speak with their own pure Perak dialect that even some Perakeans find different from what they're used to.

Kg Gajah is known for it's Durian and durian season will find a lot of out-of-towners descending here to cart off car-loads and lorry-loads of the King of Fruits back to KL or JB. Acres of Padi Fields & Palm-Oil & Rubber trees dot the landscape, with kampung houses dominating.

This is also the place where the Malay Uprising led by the Malay Chieftains Dato Sagor & Dato Maharaja Lela againts the British Government in Perak & it's Resident JWW Birch took place, along the banks of the Perak River. Located near it, is the Pasir Salak Historical Centre (where artifacts from that era are on display) alongside the Pasir Salak Resort.

I served here as a Dentist at the Government Rural Clinic in Kg Gajah since 2000, staying at the small quarters located just behind the clinic itself. I've had the great honour of serving thousands of patients from all over Kg Gajah & Pasir Salak, who subsequently I met again during campaigning for the 2008 General Elections. I am deeply humbled & grateful for their support culminating in their strong vote to elect all 3 BN candidates as their elected representatives in Pasir Salak, Kg Gajah & Sg Manik. Even when results elsewhere in Perak were dissapointing, BN have always fared well here, even during the 1999 elections.

The ADUN Kg Gajah Community Service Centre is located about 1km south of Kg Gajah town on the road to Teluk Intan, on the side of the Perak River. It's a small office building in the village of Kg Teluk, opposite what used to be Dewan Dato Mohd Abas. There, my assistants, Pn Rokiah & Zaleha dutifully man the service centre to treat all enquiries.